On the ride up Route 9 to see my grandma yesterday morning, Maggie rattled off a series of questions I was required to answer: Is Old Grandma ever going back to her old house? Why does she need to live in a hospital? Do people see her privates? What does she have for dinner? I explained to her that Old Grandma (the name she made up when she was three) lives in a nursing home because she needs extra help with bathing and fixing her meals. This answered most of her questions, but of course, also led to more. I distracted her with a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up apple turnovers for grandma.
It was an interesting visit for me, one where I was more an observer than a participant. Maggie and my grandmother played cards and snacked on pastry and held hands. I told Maggie that my grandma was there the night I was born and Maggie looked at my grandmother for confirmation. For a second my grandma said nothing and my heart sank, that she had lost such a special memory. And then she looked at me and winked and smiled at Maggie and said 'Oh yes, I was there!'
When we left I insisted my grandma allow us to take her upstairs to the second floor where trivia was taking place. I was delighted to find out that it was a giant crossword puzzle on a dry erase board. They were close to done with their first puzzle and had a few spots they were stumped by. The woman leading the activity asked my grandma if she knew the answers, and she did! Three correct answers in a row! I was thrilled. I kissed her and whispered that I'd be back soon and tiptoed out of the room with Maggie's little hand in mine.
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